Our Practitioners Banner

Executive Team

Photo of Lakshmi Rao Sankar

Lakshmi Rao Sankar

Executive Director

Lakshmi Rao Sankar is a Registered S2C Practitioner who has worked…

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Photo of Susanne Cannella

Susanne Cannella 

Alliance Director

Susanne Cannella is a Registered S2C Practitioner, and alongside spellers…

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Photo of Lyndsay Morgan

Lindsay Morgan

Program Coordinator 

Lindsay Morgan is a Registered S2C Practitioner who works with clients…

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Alliance of Practitioners

Photo of Lisa Morgan

Lisa Morgan

Lisa Morgan is a Registered S2C Practitioner who provides one to one…

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Photo of Grace Costanzo

Grace Costanzo

Grace Costanzo is a Registered S2C Practitioner who works with…

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Photo of Barbara D Amora

Barbara D’Amora

Barbara D’Amora is a  Registered S2C Practitioner who works with spellers…

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Photo of Victoria Fasulo

Victoria Fasulo

Victoria Fasulo is a trained Communication Regulation Partner…

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Photo of Ann Jusino

Ann Jusino

Ann Jusino is an S2C Practitioner in Training, working with clients one to…

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Photo of Marie Coluccio Justinico

Gabriella Gavinelli

Gabriella Gavinelli is a Registered S2C Practitioner who provides individual…

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Photo of Colleen McKreever

Colleen McKeever

Colleen McKeever is a Registered S2C Practitioner working with spellers to…

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Photo of Kimberly Yee

Kimberly Yee

Kimberly Yee is a Registered S2C Practitioner who provides one to one…

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